AT Glastonbury Abbey
16 Hull Street
Hingham, MA 02043
With poets LAURA BOSS
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
June 3, 4, and 5, 2011
The purpose of this retreat is to give writers the space and time to focus totally on their own work in a serene and beautiful setting away from the pressures and distractions of daily life.
Writing weekend poets will find:
* Support and encouragement * stimulating activities leading to the creation of new work *
* workshop leaders who are actively engaged in the writing life * opportunities to read their work aloud to the group * a circle of writer friends * networking opportunities.
- (This writing intensive is open to all writers over the age of 18.)
Participants arrive before dinner on Friday evening. Dinner will be served at 6:00 pm. Participants should arrive prior to 6 pm to give themselves a chance to settle into their rooms and begin to retreat from the distractions of the world. After dinner, participants will break into two groups and the poetry faculty will lead them in creating new work. After the workshop, each participant will have the opportunity to read one poem. After Saturday breakfast, participants will again break into two groups for morning workshops. Some free time will be scheduled for socializing in the morning. In the afternoon, writing workshops will take place, followed by free time or each participant will have a chance to sign up in advance with the lead Poet faculty for one-on-one help with revision. After dinner on Saturday evening, faculty will lead another writing workshop and later participants will be invited to read their poems to the group. On Sunday after breakfast additional writing workshops will take place. A final reading by participants will serve as the “closing ceremony” to this inspiring and, we hope, productive weekend. Lunch will provide a final opportunity for socializing.
There are wonderful small shops and beach walks in the area. You might want to plan to visit some of these places. Perhaps you could plan to arrive early on Friday or to leave a bit later on Sunday.
We envision this weekend as a retreat from the noise and bustle of daily life. We see this retreat as a spiritual and creative break from our usual lives; it will allow us to take some time to look at life in a new light, to listen for our own voices, and to create in stillness, in quiet, and in community. These are times of contemplation and welcoming the muse. We want this experience to be unique and totally different from any other experience in the participants’ lives.
The workshops will concentrate on writing our way home and the way writing can save us, save our stories and our lives. We will work with drafting poems within the workshop. Participants should bring papers, pens, and the willingness to take risks. Please also bring previously-written work for one on one sessions and for readings.
Fee Schedule
Total $375...
Second pay—April 1, 2011-------$100.
Balance—May 1, 2011--------$150
*Total fee includes room, all meals, and all workshops.
*Early Bird Discount: Deduct $25 if paid in full by April 15, 2011
*Full refund will be given prior to May 1, 2011
*Late registration will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Enrollment is limited.
We already have a list of people signed up for this workshop, so if you are interested, please sign up early.
Mail check payable to Maria Mazziotti Gillan - 40 Post Ave., Hawthorne, NJ 07506
Other questions? Call (973) 684-6555 or (973) 423-2921 or email:
Please let us know as early as possible if you plan to attend.
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